The Dixie Fire has burned almost all parts of Lassen NP east of the Highway---including Bumpass Hell, Summit Lake, Kings Creek Falls, Juniper Lake. etc. Very sad Of course, what's even sadder is that it has burned WAY MORE than just Lassen, including the Caribou Wilderness, where we once did a really nice is now the largest fire in California History. Here is the official announcement from today about Lassen:
Mineral, CA – An emergency closure is in place for the entirety of Lassen Volcanic National Park due to the Dixie Fire, which is active in the remote eastern side of the park.
“The temporary closure ensures firefighters have unimpeded access to all areas of the park,” said Superintendent Jim Richardson. “The park’s current priorities are to ensure the immediate evacuation of visitors and to protect facilities along the park highway and in the Manzanita Lake and Mineral Headquarters areas.”
Information about the Dixie Fire is available on InciWeb at Information is also available via the Dixie Fire Information line at +1 530 538-7826 and Media line at +1 530 588-0845. Lassen Volcanic National Park will not provide separate communications about Dixie Fire activity within the park.
Visitors and residents are encouraged to follow county evacuation warnings and orders. Evacuation warnings and orders are currently in place in Plumas County (southeast quarter of the park) and Tehama County (southwest quarter of the park). View the evacuation map for Plumas County at and Lassen County at Evacuations may also be added for Lassen County (northeast quarter of the park) and Shasta County (northwest corner of the park).
Evacuees should check for fire-related highway closures at Current closures include Highway 36E between Childs Meadow and A17 in Westwood.