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You can do it!

We know that this year has been a challenge for so many people. And we hope that you have been able to stay healthy in the face of COVID19. But we also hope that you find a way to get out into the woods and enjoy a little wilderness while you are social distancing.

We've now complete two trips, and have another two on the books--including an itinerary through Yosemite National Park next month. So it can be done.

Our first trip was up the Caples Creek Trail below Carson Pass. It was a simple one-night stand to make sure that our creaky bones still worked, and we had not forgotten how to pack a pack. And we were successful on both counts.

Last week we were up in Lassen to backpack in the southeastern corner of the park, where we saw very few people, and we able to stay well away from everyone.

Next up, the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness, were permits are now available on-line. And then a trip to Yosemite's backcountry. Yes, we were able to navigate the reservation system there on the Yosemite Conservancy website--and actually found it relatively painless. Nice people, too. We like to make a contribution to them from time to time.

So do not overlook the fact that a backpacking trip right now is a real possibility. And if you need ideas for destinations, you might just look at that page of our website.

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