With the prediction of slight rain over the weekend, we are preparing to conduct prescribed burning operations along Southside Drive in Yosemite Valley next week. There are multiple piles located near El Capitan Crossover that, if conditions allow, burning may occur there first. Depending on continued permissible conditions, burning may extend from El Capitan Crossover toward Sentinel Beach (units 11 and 16)—please reference the attached map for detailed information. If burning operations do extend into those units, a one lane traffic closure may occur as well as a temporary trail closure on the Yosemite Valley Loop in that area. Burning operations will be evaluated and monitored to ensure a high potential of success and safety.
Burning under favorable conditions helps to create a healthier forest and lowers the risk of more dangerous fires in the future. Native plants benefit and invasive ones are more controlled.
Smoke will be present during and after burning operations. Thank you in advance for driving carefully and watching for firefighters and equipment near the road.