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  • Writer's picturebalzaccom

We've got a new system

Water filtration system, that is. We started out using a Kataydin pump, and a few years ago switched to a Sawyer Squeeze, which was lighter by a few ounces. And we upgraded that a few years ago to include a couple of 64 oz. bags, so that we could filter a lot of water at once.

Those bags tent to leak over time...and when we got another leak on our trip to the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness, we went online to get a few more. And couldn't find any. Turns out they leak...and retailers don't carry them any more. Hmmm.

But in our search we found a massive general retailer who was selling a Sawyer Squeeze gravity system with a one gallon bag for under $40. So we gave it a try. Works perfectly, and quickly, and easily. And combined with our Sea to Summit two gallon folding bag, we have a water system for the ages. Very nice. Very easy. Very light. Lots of water.


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