We usually publish a list of who's been naughty and nice over the past year, from the perspective of those of us who love the Sierra, the outdoors, and wilderness.
Somehow, this year, we just didn't have the heart for it. So there's no naught and nice blogpost this year. We would like to encourage you to get outdoors, and, if possible, maybe help someone else get outdoors, too. Maybe volunteer for a day at a local park, working on a local trail, or helping pick up trash somewhere.

You know, to help recover from some of the effects that some of our less thoughtful visitors might have had on the outdoors.
If you do, drop us a note and tell us about it. We'd love a photo, too. And we'll see if we can't post a few of those on this blog, to encourage anyone who might be sitting on a sofa somewhere, wondering what they might do on a nice day this winter.