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Highway to Heaven

There are many wonderful highways in the Sierra, and we are not about to try and pick a favorite. (Highway 89 as it meaders through Lassen National Park might get our vote...but we are not voting!

But we do have a favorite highway when it comes to the place names that line the route.

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you Highway 108 to Sonora Pass: visiting Sonora, Twain Harte, Mi-Wuk, Sugar Pine, Long Barn, Strawberry, Sierra Village, Pinecrest, Dardanelles, Kennedy Meadows and finally Sonora Pass.That's a great bunch of names, and each one sounds like it should have at least a short story written about it.

And just off the road you will find Tuttlesville, Columbia, Tuolumne City, and the ever memorable Soulsbyville. Sure, the Sierra is full of wonderful names, from Coarsegold and Rough and Ready to Angels Camp and Copperopolis. And some of our all-time favorites, like Hangtown and Humbug, are now sadly changed to more respectable things like Placerville and Columbia. But can you think of another highway that has so many great names along it?

All Aboard! Next stop, Mi-Wuk!

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